【同义词辨析】 2019-08-07 驱动move-impel

move: is very general and implies no more than the fact of changing position: the force that ~s the moon around the earth.   locationposition都指位置,前者表示绝对位置,可以用经纬度标明,position表示相对位置,如车西南方100米是相对于车的位置。GPS中P代表positioning

actuate: stresses transmission of power so as to work or set in motion: turbines are ~d by the force of a current of water.  turbine轮机  motion和movement都是基础词,表示运动,即改变位置to change position or location

drive: implies imparting forward and continuous motion and often stresses the effect rather than the impetus: a ship ~n aground by hurricane winds.   impart有2个意思,1、告知传授=tell,如the ability to impart knowledge and command respect is the essential qualification for teachers具备传授知识并赢得尊敬的能力是对教师的基本要求, 2、给予=give如本例)

impel: suggests a greater impetus producing more headlong action: burning ambition ~ed her to the seat of power.  impetus动力激励刺激implies an incentive, driving force, 来自词根PET表示寻求to seek,如compete竞争petition请愿appetite食欲centripetal向心的repeat重复(再次寻求),例如每周5天早起的动力是谋生the need to earn a living provides many people with the impetus to drive themselves out of bed five mornings a week,另外2天的动力可能是厨房香味或想要早起散步on the other two days, the impetus might be the smell from the kitchen or the idea of an early-morning walk)   (headlong急速或仓促,完全来不及考虑stresses rashness and lack of forethought of persons or acts,如he ran headlong for the open door他飞快地朝敞开着的门跑去,如a headlong flight from arrest仓皇奔逃躲避追捕,这个词还表示仓促,如do not leap headlong into decisions不要轻率作决定)

move移动: 非常通用,仅表示位置改变,actuate使动动机: 强调传输能量,从而使工作运转,drive驱动: 表示使持续前进,强调效果而非驱动力,impel强力驱动、迫使: 强调更大动力,使急速前进

记忆方法: 1)首字母MADI大米<==一种驱动


         3)驱动的意思是使运动mean to set or keep in motion.首字母MADI大米<==一种驱动力